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Pittsburgh Opera's Intermezzo was a daily dose of operatic escape during the Coronavirus pandemic


During this time of #SocialDistancing, we are unable to share our art with you live onstage at the Benedum Center. But perhaps now more than ever we believe in the power of music and the human voice to heal, to uplift, and to unite.

That’s why we are proud to bring you Intermezzo. Intermezzo was a daily dose of operatic escape, delivered virtually instead of in-person. Intermezzo featured daily videos from past Pittsburgh Opera performances, as well as serenades by our Resident Artists, who sent virtual greetings from their homes.

Our 50th and final Intermezzo video on May 10th, coincided with what would have been the last day of our 2019-20 season. Director of Marketing & Communications Chris Cox sent a Mother's Day greeting to all the moms out there, and introduced the finale of our 2018 production of Donizetti's The Elixir of Love. This video is generoulsy sponsored by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Pittsburgh Opera would like to thank everyone who submitted 'introductory' videos for the Intermezzo series, along with all of our sponsors, and the team members who curated, edited, and published these videos.

Please make a gift to Pittsburgh Opera to help us through these uncertain times. Our company has overcome World War II, the Cold War, recessions, 9/11, and other national periods of crisis. With your help we will overcome this one too, and emerge ready to welcome you back in person for our exciting 2020-21 season. Please give now. Thank you for your support, from the bottom of our hearts.

May 9 - Bill Powers / Sari Gruber in Così fan tutte

Our penultimate Intermezzo video, for May 9th, was from Pittsburgh Opera Managing Director Bill Powers and his wife, soprano Sari Gruber, who sent their #SocialDistancing greetings from their home in Pittsburgh. Sari introduced a clip from our 2016 production of Mozart's Così fan tutte, where as Despina she impersonated a doctor to 'revive' two love-sick men with electro-shock therapy. This video is generously sponsored by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.  

May 8 - Joshua Hopkins in Don Pasquale

Our May 8th video included a shout to all our hard-working and courageous medical professionals out there from baritone Joshua Hopkins (who played the far less reputable Dr. Malatesta in our 2019 production of Don Pasquale).

In this aria "Bella siccome un angelo", Malatesta endeavors to convince Don Pasquale that 'Norina' (allegedly Malatesta's sister) would be the perfect subservient bride. (Perhaps Don Pasquale should have gotten a second opinion!) This video is generously sponsored by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.

May 7 - Ben Taylor in La bohème

Our May 7th video was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alum Ben Taylor, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh. Ben introduced a clip of himself as Schanaurd in our 2019 production of Puccini's La bohème. This video is generously sponsored by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.

May 6 - Kevin Glavin in The Barber of Seville

Our May 6th video was from Pittsburgh's favorite bosso buffo, Kevin Glavin. Kevin sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh, and introduced a clip of himself as the pompous Bartolo in our 2016 production of The Barber of Seville. This video is generously sponsored by DTE Midstream.

May 5 - Michael Braxton / Don Pasquale

Our May 5th video was from Pittsburgh Opera Director of Development Michael Braxton. Michael sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh's North Side, and asked that folks who are able to contribute to #GiveBigPittsburgh please include Pittsburgh Opera in their giving. Michael introduced a clip from our 2019 production of Don Pasquale, directed by Chuck Hudson and featuring the incomparable Kevin Glavin as Don Pasquale himself.

May 4 - Christopher Hahn / The Marriage of Figaro

Our May 4th video was from our General Director Christopher Hahn. Christopher sent his greetings and asked that folks who are able to contribute to #GiveBigPittsburgh on May 5th include Pittsburgh Opera in their giving. He then introduced the aria “Non più andrai" from our 2017 production of The Marriage of Figaro. In this scene, Figaro (Tyler Simpson) rubs some salt in Cherubino's (Corrie Stallings) wounds by reminding him of all the fun he'll miss out on while he's in the army.

May 3 - Glenn Lewis / Tosca

Our May 3rd video was from Pittsburgh Opera Head of Music Glenn Lewis, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings with a flourish. Glenn introduced a climactic scene from our 2017 production of Puccini's Tosca - the powerful 'Te Deum'.

May 2 - Corrie Stallings in The Barber of Seville

Our May 2nd video was from Marvelous mezzo Corrie Stallings, who sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumna introduced a clip of herself as the clever Rosina in Rossini's The Barber of Seville, which we produced at the Benedum Center in 2016.

May 1 - Adelaide Boedecker in Little Women

Our May 1st video was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumna Adelaide Boedecker, who sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in Florida. The sunny soprano introduced a tender clip of herself as Beth March on her deathbed in our 2016 production of Mark Adamo's Little Women.

April 30 - Jonathan Beyer in The Barber of Seville

Our April 30th video was from baritone Jonathan Beyer, a Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alum. Jonathan sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Manhattan. Jonathan introduced a clip of himself as Figaro from our 2016 production of Rossini's The Barber of Seville. As the barber in question, Figaro sings of his awesomeness as the luckiest, busiest, and smartest fellow in town in the famous aria "Largo al factotum."

April 29 - Andres Acosta in Florencia en el Amazonas

Our April 29th video was from tenor Andres Acosta, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from Indianapolis. Andres introduced a clip of himself as Arcadio in his Pittsburgh Opera debut, Daniel Catan's Florencia en el Amazonas, from November 2019. Arcadio tells Rosalba of his dreams to be a pilot.

April 28 - Bill Buchanan in Nabucco

Our April 28th greeting was from long-time Pittsburgh Opera chorister Bill Buchanan, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Penn Hills. Bill introduced one of the most moving and beloved choral scenes in all of opera - "Va, pensiero" from Verdi's Nabucco which we performed in 2015. This Intermezzo video is sponsored by our friends at PNC.

April 27 - Brian Vu in Little Women

Our April 27th greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alum Brian Vu, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from sunny Los Angeles. Brian introduced a clip of himself as John Brooke in our 2016 production of Mark Adamo's Little Women.

April 26 - Antony Walker / Turandot

Our April 26th greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Music Director, Maestro Antony Walker, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Minnesota. Antony introduced a clip from the end of Act 1 of our 2017 production of Puccini's Turandot, which he conducted.

April 25 - Matt Scollin in Little Women

Our April 25th greeting was from former Resident Artist Matt Scollin and his family, who sent their #SocialDistancing greetings from their home outside Washington, DC. Matt introduced a clip from our 2016 production of Mark Adamo's Little Women. As Friedrich Bhaer, he stops Jo March (Corrie Stallings) in her tracks with a stirring rendition of "Kennst du das Land?" in both German and English.

April 24 - Chris Cox / The Elixir of Love

Our April 24th greeting was from our Director of Marketing and Communications Chris Cox, and Cinnamon the guinea pig. They sent their #SocialDistancing greetings from their home in Pittsburgh. Chris introduced a clip from an opera that always makes him laugh, our 2018 production of Donizetti's The Elixir of Love, directed by Daniel Slater.

April 23 - Antonia Botti-Lodovico in Don Giovanni

Our April 23rd greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist Antonia Botti-Lodovico, who sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her kitchen in Mt. Washington. Antonia introduced a clip of herself as Zerlina in our 2019 production of Mozart's Don Giovanni, where she leaves her kind-hearted-yet-somewhat-naive fiancé Masetto (Tyler Zimmerman) wondering what just happened.

April 22 - Kristine McIntyre / Don Giovanni

Our April 22nd greeting was from one of our mainstay mainstage stage directors, Kristine McIntyre, who sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in Portland, Oregon. Kristine introduced the Act 2 Sextet from our 2019 production of Mozart's Don Giovanni which she directed.

April 21 - Leah Heater in Richard the Lionheart

Our April 21st greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumna Leah Heater, who sent #SocialDistancing greetings from West Virginia. Leah introduced a clip of herself in the title role of Handel's Richard the Lionheart, aka Riccardo Primo, from our January 2017 production.

April 20 - Stephanie Havey / La bohème

Our April 20th greeting was from Stage Director Stephanie Havey, who sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in Florida. Stephanie introduced the Act 3 Quartet from the production of Puccini's La bohème she directed for us in April 2019.

April 19 - Tyler Zimmerman in La bohème

Our April 19th greeting was from Resident Artist Tyler Zimmerman, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh, and introduced a clip of himself as Colline in our 2019 production of Puccini's La bohème. In one of the most touching scenes in all of opera, Colline prepares to pawn his winter coat to help buy medicine for Mimì.

April 18 - Michael Mayes in Moby-Dick

Our April 18th greeting was from baritone Michael Mayes, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Texas. Michael introduced a clip of him as Starbuck in our 2018 production of Moby-Dick, where he ponders whether it's murder to strike a would-be murderer in his bed.

April 17 - Bill Powers / The Elixir of Love

Our April 17th greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Managing Director Bill Powers, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in the South Hills. Bill introduced a fun clip of Dr. Dulcamara (Paolo Pecchioli) extolling the virtues of his miraculous elixir in our 2018 production of Donizetti's The Elixir of Love. Drink up everyone!

April 16 - Laurel Semerdjian in Alcina

Our April 16th greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumna Laurel Semerdjian. She sent her greetings from her home in Pittsburgh, and introduced a clip of herself singing the role of Bradamante in our January, 2020 production of Handel's Alcina.

April 15 - Sean Panikkar in La bohème

Our April 15th greeting was from terrific tenor Sean Panikkar who, along with his son, daughter, and faithful family dog, sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Michigan. Sean introduced a clip of himself as Rodolfo in our 2019 production of Puccini's La bohème.

April 14 - Rob Boldin / Moby-Dick

Our April 14th greeting was from Pittsburgh Opera Artistic Administrator Rob Boldin, who shared his #SocialDistancing greetings (and the view) from his Lawrenceville home's backyard. Rob introduced a wonderful chorus scene from our 2018 production of Moby-Dick, where the crew of the Pequod prepares to set sail.

April 13 - Daniel Sonenberg / The Summer King

Our April 13th greeting was from Daniel Sonenberg. Daniel composed the music for our first-ever world premiere, The Summer King - the Josh Gibson Story, which debuted at the Benedum in 2017.

Dan sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Maine. He, and we, hope you enjoy this clip from his creation, where a crowd of fans gawk "Did you see Josh Gibson hit that ball?!?"

April 12 - Christopher Hahn / Carmen

Our April 12th video was from Pittsburgh Opera General Director Christopher Hahn, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh, and introduced the seductive Seguidilla from our 2015 production of Carmen.

April 11 - Crystal Manich / Hansel and Gretel

Our April 11th video was from Stage Director Crystal Manich, a native of Pittsburgh's South Hills, who sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from Puerto Rico. Crystal introduced a clip from the 2018 production of Hansel & Gretel she directed for us.

In this scene, young siblings Hansel (Corrie Stallings) and Gretel (Ashley Fabian) say their evening prayers under the watchful eyes of the Sandman (Caitlin Gotimer) before going to sleep for the night.

April 10 - Sari Gruber in La bohème

Our April 10th video was from Pittburgh Opera's beloved Sari Gruber. Sari sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in the South Hills. She also introduced a clip of one of opera's favorite arias, 'Quando men vo' from our 2019 La bohème, where she scandalizes her sugar daddy Alcindoro (Kevin Glavin) and frustrates her true love Marcello (Craig Verm).

April 9 - Alexandra Loutsion in Florencia en el Amazonas

Our April 9th video was from Canonsburg native and Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumna extraordinaire Alexandra Loutsion. She sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in Chicago, and introduced a moving clip of her in the title role of Florencia en el Amazonas, which we produced in November, 2019.

April 8 - Kristine McIntyre / Moby-Dick

Our April 8th video was from Stage Director Kristine McIntyre. She sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in Portland, Oregon, and introduced a chilling clip from Moby-Dick, which she directed for us in 2018.

April 7 - Danielle Pastin in The Marriage of Figaro

Our April 7th video was from Pittsburgh's DIY Diva Danielle Pastin. Danielle sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home here in Pittsburgh, and introduced a clip of her as the Countess singing "Porgi Amor" in our 2017 production of Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro.

April 6 - Marianne Cornetti in Hansel and Gretel

Our April 6th video was from the one-and-only Marianne Cornetti. Marianne sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her car (don't worry, she was parked on the side of the road, not driving...) Marianne also introduced a clip of her as the Witch in our 2018 production of Hansel & Gretel.

April 5 - Ashley Fabian in Hansel and Gretel

Our April 5th video was from Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumna Ashley Fabian. Ashley sent her #SocialDistancing greetings from her home in LA, and introduced a clip of herself as Gretel, teaching her brother Hansel how to dance in our 2018 production of Hansel & Gretel.

April 4 - James Lesniak / Carmen

Our April 4th video was from James Lesniak, who sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh, and introduced the crowd-pleasing "Toreador" from our 2015 production of Carmen.

April 3 - Mark Trawka / Carmen

Our April 3rd video was from Pittsburgh Opera Chorus Master Mark Trawka. He sent his #SocialDistancing greetings from his home in Pittsburgh, and introduced the sultry Habanera from our 2015 production of Carmen.

April 2 - Jasmine Muhammad in Carmen

Our April 2nd video was from soprano Jasmine Muhammad, one of our wonderful Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artist alumns. Jasmine sent her greetings from Virgina, and introduced a clip of her as Micaëla in our 2015 production of Carmen singing "Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante".

April 1 - Musa Ngqungwana in Don Giovanni

Our April 1st video was of Musa Ngqungwana sharing a personal greeting from Philadelphia, and introducing himself as Leporello singing the 'Catalog aria' in our 2019 production of Mozart's Don Giovanni.

March 31 - Corrie Stallings in Don Giovanni

Our March 31st Intermezzo video was a clip from our 2019 production of Mozart's Don Giovanni at the Benedum Center, introduced by mezzo-soprano Corrie Stallings (Donna Elvira).

March 30 - Yazid Gray

Our March 30th Intermezzo video was by Resident Artist Yazid Gray. Please enjoy his ‘social distancing serenade’ of "Deh vieni alla finestra" from Don Giovanni

March 29 - Natasha Wilson

Our March 29th Intermezzo video was by our very own Kiwi, Resident Artist Natasha Wilson, who sends her greetings from all the way in New Zealand. Please enjoy her ‘social distancing serenade’ of "O mio babbino caro" from Gianni Schicchi.

March 28 - Antonia Botti-Lodovico

Our March 28th Intermezzo video was by Second Year Resident Artist Antonia Botti-Lodovico. In honor of what was going to be our opening night performance of Carmen this evening at the Benedum Center, please enjoy her ‘social distancing serenade’ of the Habanera

March 27 - Angel Romero

Our March 27th Intermezzo video was by First Year Resident Artist Angel Romero. Please enjoy his ‘social distancing serenade’ of "Dein ist mein ganzes Herz" from The Land of Smiles​. 

March 26 - Tyler Zimmerman

Our March 26th Intermezzo video was by Second Year Resident Artist Tyler Zimmerman. Please enjoy his ‘social distancing serenade’ of "Deh vieni alla finestra" from Don Giovanni

March 25 - Caitlin Gotimer
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