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 David Bachman Photography.

Resident Artist Auditions

Download the PDF of this announcement here. 

Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program has long been hailed as one of the country's leading training programs for emerging opera artists and administrators. While providing guidance from the opera industry’s leaders and innovators, the program guides singers through the development of their vocal skills, improvement of their stage presence, and expansion of their repertoire. Each year, exceptional singers from around the world are selected to enter the program through live auditions in Cincinnati, New York City, and Pittsburgh, and since 2020, through a virtual audition option. Each applicant must demonstrate significant operatic potential and thorough musical and theatrical training.

Applications for Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program will be available from August 6 – September 3, 2024. To apply, complete our online application via YAP Tracker at the link below:

2025-27 Resident Artist Program: Singer Application (

REMINDER: The deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

You do not need to be a paying subscriber to YAP Tracker to use the application form, although you will need an account (guest accounts are available; see the website for details). If you need help completing the application or using YAP Tracker, please visit or email their help desk directly at

Required Application Materials:

  • Your current professional resume.
  • Two (2) video recordings of selections in contrasting styles and languages recorded within the last six months. One must be an opera aria; one may be a performance recording, if desired. Recordings may be made with either live accompaniment or a pre-recorded track.
  • Your audition repertoire list. Audition repertoire should consist of five (5) contrasting arias demonstrating French, German, English and Italian language aptitude. Audition repertoire may be amended at a later date.
  • Contact information for two (2) references of recognized authorities in the opera field (voice teacher, coach, conductor, director, administrator, etc.). Letters of recommendation are not required. References may be contacted via phone or email.
  • A current headshot.

There is no fee to apply for Pittsburgh Opera's Resident Artist Program.

Live and Virtual Auditions:
We will be holding our annual live audition tour in Cincinnati, New York City, and Pittsburgh. In addition, we will again offer video auditions. We encourage live auditions whenever possible, but welcome those who are unavailable or unable to sing in-person at one of our audition locations to apply for a video audition.

Applicants will be notified if they are granted an audition by Friday, October 18, 2024.

For live auditions, applicants should be prepared to sing, from memory, five (5) contrasting arias demonstrating French, German, English, and Italian language aptitude. Applicants are required to submit a repertoire list within the application, but audition repertoire may be amended at a later date.

Applicants who are granted a virtual audition will be required to record and submit two (2) selections in one continuous video recording (without stopping the camera). Repertoire for virtual auditions will be selected by the singer. Guidelines for repertoire selection and video production will be provided.

Virtual applicants should apply in the same manner as live audition applicants, indicating “Virtual Audition” in the drop-down menus for location.

Audition Locations and Dates:

Virtual: Applicants who are granted a virtual audition must submit their audition video by Friday, November 15, 2024.

Cincinnati, OH: Tuesday, December 3  – Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Pittsburgh, PA: Friday, December 6 - Saturday, December 7, 2024

New York, NY: Tuesday, December 10 – Thursday, December 12, 2024                

Term and Compensation:
Applicants accepted to Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program will be under exclusive contract from September 2024 through May 2025 (Dates TBC). Resident Artists are expected to participate in the program for two consecutive seasons.

For the 2024-25 season, Resident Artist Singers will receive a stipend of $825.00/week for 36 weeks, AGMA rates for mainstage roles, and assistance with relocation expenses and professional development.


Download a PDF of this FAQ here. 


Who is on the audition panel?

Christopher Hahn, General Director; Robert Boldin, Director of Artistic Operations; Mark Trawka, Director of Musical Studies.

Is there an age limit to participate in Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program?

There is not an official age limit, but most of our Resident Artists are in their 20’s and early 30’s. Singers are more likely to be granted an audition if they are about to or have recently completed formal academic training, but this is not a requirement to be considered for the program.

Do I need to be a U.S. citizen to attend the program?

Pittsburgh Opera will not apply for a visa on your behalf. If you have a current visa that will allow you to work in the United States for the full two-year program, we encourage you to apply.

What do I need to record? Do you have any guidance on how to record my selections?

Applicants are required to submit two (2) video recordings of selections in contrasting styles and languages recording within the last six months. One must be an opera aria; one may be a performance recording, if desired. Recordings may be made with either live accompaniment or a pre-recorded track.

For Opera America's resources on Remote Auditions please visit:

Opera America - 2020 Remote Audition Guidelines
Opera America - Audio Gear Recommendations

When will I find out if I have been selected for a live or virtual audition?

Notifications for both live and virtual auditions will be sent on Friday, October 18, 2024.

If I’m granted a virtual audition, what do I need to record?

Applicants who are granted a virtual audition will be required to record and submit two selections in one continuous video recording (without stopping the camera). This video MUST be recorded on or after September 4, 2024.

Repertoire for video auditions will be selected by the singer. We strongly recommend submitting contrasting selections, and preferably ones that you did not submit with your original application. Guidelines for repertoire selection and video production will be provided.

The deadline for submitting a virtual audition video is November 15, 2024.

What if I need to change my live audition date/time?

First, you should try to find a colleague who is willing to switch with you. Once you have made the switch, e-mail Matthew Hrdlicka, Artistic Coordinator, to notify him of the change. If you cannot make the switch yourself, please contact Matthew Hrdlicka and best efforts will be made to accommodate your request.

If I need to cancel my live audition, can I submit virtual audition materials instead?

If you need to cancel your live audition but would like to be considered virtually, please contact Matthew Hrdlicka, Artistic Coordinator.

How many arias will I sing?

If you are selected for a live audition, you will sing one aria of your choice. If you are selected for a call back audition, you will sing two additional arias – one of your choice, followed by one aria of the panel’s choice.
If you are selected for a virtual audition, you will sing two arias of your choice.

What if I don’t know an aria in every language requested?

You should sing the arias you are most comfortable performing.

What if I want to change my audition repertoire?

If you are selected for a live audition, you may update your repertoire at any time via YAP Tracker or submit a new repertoire list at the time of your audition. Virtual applicants selected for the second round will be required to re-submit a repertoire list for consideration by the panel.

What materials do I need to bring for the audition panel?

The panel will have all materials submitted with your application. If you have an updated repertoire list or resume, you may submit it to the monitor at the time of your audition.

Is there a place to warm-up before my audition?

Warm-up space is limited and not guaranteed depending on the location. Please come to the audition prepared to sing.

How do I find out about live callback auditions?

If granted a callback audition, you will be notified via YAP Tracker with the details.

When are casting decisions made?

Decisions will be made following the New York callback auditions. Offers will be given by telephone sometime early in the new year.

Will I receive feedback from the audition panel?

We regret that panelists will not be able to offer feedback immediately following the auditions or at any time thereafter.

***Application dates to be announced at a later date.***


View the PDF of this job announcement here. 

Position: Resident Artist Stage Director/Assistant Director

Contract Dates: September 2024 – May 2025 (dates TBC)

Pittsburgh Opera is currently accepting applications for its Resident Artist Stage Director/Assistant Director position.

Hailed as one of the country's leading opera training programs, Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program provides professional development and practical experience to emerging artists. As Assistant Director for Pittsburgh Opera’s productions, this individual will work closely with leading international directors, designers, conductors, and singers. In addition, the Resident Artist Stage Director will stage presentations featuring Resident Artist Singers and participate in professional development opportunities.

Specific duties may include the following:

  • Serve as Assistant Director for Pittsburgh Opera’s six-production season
  • Stage the Student Matinee performance
  • Stage Resident Artist concert programs, including a monthly concert series and run-out community engagements
  • Stage Resident Artist performances at fundraising events, including the company’s annual gala

The Resident Artist Stage Director/Assistant Director will receive:

  • AGMA contracts and benefits for all mainstage production assignments
  • A weekly stipend of $800.00 while not under AGMA contract
  • Assistance toward relocation expenses, local parking, and professional development

The ideal candidate will bring a solid background and experience in opera production. The candidate will also have experience as an assistant director in an opera or theatre company as well as training and experience as a stage director. Knowledge and background in movement, dance, fight choreography, language, diction, and other fields pertaining to opera performance and production will be considered.

To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three (3) references to Matthew Hrdlicka.

Application Deadline: December 15, 2023

Pittsburgh Opera is committed to building opportunities for and with individuals who have been historically underrepresented in the field of opera. We encourage individuals to apply that self-identify as BIPOC, BIMPOC, AAPI, ALAANA, MENA, BAME, Latino/a/e, Afro-Latino/a/e, Native American (Tribal and Urban), Alaska Native, Indigenous, People of the Global Majority, and People of the Global African Diaspora. We recognize that terms change and evolve, and we encourage you to apply if any of these inclusions resonate with you in any capacity.

Pittsburgh Opera is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information about Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program, please visit our website at

***Application dates to be announced at a later date.***


View the PDF of this job announcement here. 

Pittsburgh Opera is seeking a qualified emerging pianist to join the company’s 2024-25 Resident Artist Program. The dates of the contract are September 8, 2024 – May 18, 2025.

Hailed as one of the country’s leading opera training programs, Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program provides professional development and practical experience to emerging artists. Working with international artists and industry leaders, the Resident Artist Pianist will support the company’s Music staff in the execution of all musical activities, commensurate with individual experience.

Duties and Responsibilities (including but not limited to):
 2nd/3rd pianist on productions
 Chorus rehearsal pianist
 Chorus warm-up pianist
 Répétiteur for RAs (i.e. help learn music)
 Pianist for Community Engagements
 Master Class pianist
 Observe RA coachings
 Supertitle caller
 Pit pianist as appropriate
 Backstage conductor as appropriate
 Audition pianist as appropriate
 Chorus score preparation
 Other learning / mentorship opportunities as possible

The dates of the auditions are tentatively May 2-6, 2024, at Pittsburgh Opera’s headquarters, the Bitz Opera Factory. Auditions are invitation-only, based on qualifications and recommendations. Should you be invited to audition, the requirements are listed on page 2.

The Resident Artist Pianist will receive a weekly stipend of $800.00 as well as assistance towards relocation expenses and professional development. To apply, send your resume, and two (2) references to Matthew Hrdlicka, Artistic Coordinator no later than 12:00 PM, Friday, April 19th.
Pittsburgh Opera is committed to building opportunities for and with individuals who have been historically underrepresented in the field of opera.

Pittsburgh Opera is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information about Pittsburgh Opera’s Resident Artist Program, please visit our website at


Applicants invited to audition must choose ONE option from EACH of the following five categories. All selections are to be PLAYED AND SUNG by the applicant. One or more selections may be conducted by a member of the Pittsburgh Opera Music Staff.

One of the following scenes:
- Act 1, Scene 1 from LA BOHÈME (up to Benoit’s entrance)
- Act 2 Quintet from CARMEN
- Act 2 Finale from LE NOZZE DI FIGARO
- A brief secco recitative from a Mozart or Rossini opera
- An aria or scene from an opera by Puccini or Richard Strauss
- One aria from a Bel Canto opera
- One art song

Applicants should be prepared to begin their live audition with a piano solo of their choice, which should not exceed 3 minutes. Sight Reading will also be included in the audition.